Flooding Impacts Charlotte Plumbers
by AAA City Plumbing
Recently, parts of North Carolina — including in the Charlotte area — have been hit with floods. In fact, the Small Business Administration has approved North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s request for a disaster declaration for 10 counties where recent heavy rains led to flooding in homes and businesses. Those counties are Mecklenburg, Catawba, Alexander, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln and Union counties. Charlotte plumbers are going to be busy.
The flooding came from the Catawaba River and water poured into homes off Riverside Drive in northwest Charlotte. The situation is a nightmare for any home or a business owner. Your Charlotte plumbers, AAA City Plumbing, is here to help.
Preparing For A Storm: Tips From Charlotte Plumbers
We hope flooding doesn’t come to the Charlotte area again. But, just to be prepared in case it does, we have put together some tips to help get your property ready when a big storm is headed your way. Following these suggestions should help minimize damage to your plumbing and property should flooding happen to you.
Before The Storm
Many people other than Charlotte plumbers, don’t know that there are some things you can do, not only to prepare your home in general but specifically for your plumbing. The first thing you can do to preserve and lessen the stress of taking care of your plumbing during severe weather is to try and prevent as much damage to your plumbing as possible. Below you will find some steps you can take to accomplish this.
Turn Off The Water
When flooding occurs, the water that has taken over may not be as clean as you think. Flood water likely has traces of feces, harmful chemicals, sewage, and plenty of other nasty stuff. You don’t want this dirty water to get into your plumbing system and making you and your loved ones sick. Prevent this from happening by making sure that your main water valve is shut off. Charlotte plumbers can help you find this if you do not know where it is.
If the situation is serious enough for you to evacuate, you’ll want to make sure to get plenty of bottled water to take with you. You can also fill up your bathtubs with water. Then you’ll have some water available to use for flushing toilets.
Prep Your Sump Pump
In this situation, your sump pump is important. Their purpose is to clear water away from and prevent it from getting inside your home. In order to make sure that this happens, you’ll want to check your sump pump and remove any debris that may reduce its ability to do the job. It wouldn’t hurt to have it serviced either. And while you are at it, you could install a battery backup to keep it running if the power goes out. Call your Charlotte plumbers if you need help doing this.
Prepare My Plumbing For A Storm
More Debris To Clear
Any location that can serve as a drain for water should be cleared of any debris. We’re talking about street sewers, gutters, and even the gutters on your home. These spots can get clogged up with grass, leaves, and a variety of other things.
Get rid of the debris so the drain will work properly. If the sewer gets backed up, it can lead to even more damage and problems during a flood. Same thing for the gutters of your home. Make sure they are securely attached. Clean them out. And, if possible, point them away from your home. You can get extensions to do this. Call your Charlotte plumbers for more information about extensions.
During A Storm
Assuming you weren’t forced to leave the area — check your plumbing periodically. Every little thing you do can help to minimize the damage should it come to that. Charlotte plumbers can assist you if necessary.
You should keep your main water valve shut off. So this means you are going to have to be smart and efficient with the water that you do use. We suggest using bottled water for cooking, cleaning, and whatever else may come up. The water inside your water heater is also an option if you are in need. Just remember to make sure the power and gas are shut off.
Check The Drains — Again
It’s time to take another look at your sump pump. It should be working properly as long as the power stays on. Unless, of course, the drains are clogged. Then you’ll be out of luck. Make sure everything is cleared away from the drain inside your home too. If there is any chance that power lines have come down, do not go outside because that can be life-threatening.
After The Storm Is Over
The most crucial part of any plumbing preparedness plan is what comes after the storm. When the storm ends, you will be able to assess whether any damage has been done and if so, what are your next steps.
Sewer Drains
Find the sewer drains and clear the debris away as much as you can. This should allow the unwanted water to recede quicker. Do the same for your gutters and any other drains in the area.
Your Water Main
Good news. It may be safe to turn your water main back on. It is probably best to check with your utility provider before doing this just in case there is flooding somewhere that could affect your plumbing system. If you have received a thumbs up to go ahead and turn your water main on, go around the house and check your faucets and toilets for any leaks. If you find any leaks or other bad signs (like discolored water) turn the water main back off and consult with Charlotte plumbers.
Water Leaks
Water leaks cause additional damage and can bring you a hefty and unnecessary water bill with them. If you find something leaking, you should have a professional come take care of it as soon as possible.
Water Heater Issues
A large storm can cause damage to your water heater. This may mean the heating function is disabled or damaged. Failure to take care of this issue means no hot or even warm water.
Gas Leaks
A gas line leak is annoying, sure, but it is much more than a bothersome sound and smell. It is actually a dangerous situation. The gas that leaks is extremely flammable and toxic. It needs to be taken care of by a professional as soon as you are aware of the problem.
Call AAA City Plumbing
For many people living on the East Coast, hurricane season is coming. Charlotte plumbers at AAA City Plumbing are here to help you prepare your plumbing for severe weather. Plumbing preparedness is vital to protecting the inner workings of your home and to lessen the damage that can be caused in the event of a major storm. If your area has had a major storm causes damage and flooding, It may be a good idea to get your water tested for contaminants. Not sure how to do this? No worries. Give your Charlotte plumbers a call.
There is no guarantee that these steps will ensure the complete safety of your plumbing. However, it will give you a better chance to minimize any damage that may come your way. No matter what happens, AAA City Plumbing is here to help with any problems that may arise with your plumbing. If you suspect any of your plumbing has been affected by a big storm, just get ahold of AAA City Plumbing for your post-plumbing hurricane preparedness needs.

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Providing professional plumbing services for nearly 30 years. We love what we do and will always treat your home as if it was our own.
Whatever your plumbing need, we are here to solve your plumbing problem and make your home or business a place you can enjoy stress-free.
We hire top-notch plumbers in the area because your home & business deserve the very best.
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